There are no age restrictions for members of the Caboolture Gliding Club, however pilots are not permitted to fly solo prior to their 15th birthday. The membership fee structure covers Club requirements as well as compulsory membership of the Gliding Federation of Australia.
Membership Responsibilities
Caboolture Gliding Club is a volunteer organization run by its members, so being a member of Caboolture Gliding Club comes with the responsibility to participate as a volunteer in the running of the club. For all members this means on days on which you are planning to fly, you are expected to come for the day and assist with operations including
- preparing the gliders for the days flying in the morning,
- packing away gliders at the end of the day, and
- in between helping with operations in any way in which you are qualified.
It is understood that due to personal schedules it may not always be possible to be present at both the start and end of the day, but you should whenever possible.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to call the club on 0418 713 903 to discuss this further with one of our members
Membership Fees
We encourage our younger student/youth members to sign up one or more parents as a free Family Member of the club so that they are covered by our insurances if they are assisting on the flight line. Family members for any member are welcome to assist on flying days and participate in club activities. We will train you and keep you safe!
Student/Youth Membership
"Youth" = under 18 years. "Student" = under 26 years and a student (minimum 20 hours per week).
Family-Flying Membership
Family members can fly as a Private Passenger at any time, but if they decide they would like to take gliding a little further they can take out a Flying Family Membership. The cost of this flying membership is $60 per year and the rights and privileges are very similar to those of an Air Experience Flight - they can receive instruction but no pilot-in-command rights, no solo, they must fly with an instructor to touch the controls and they must be a member of Caboolture Gliding Club.