• second_image
    Welcome to Caboolture Gliding Club

    South East Queensland’s most accessible gliding club invites you to share our spectacular sky between Moreton Bay and the Glasshouse Mountains, where we have flying for everyone from first timer to experienced pilot.

  • is28 glass house banner
    Welcome to Caboolture Gliding Club

    South East Queensland’s most accessible gliding club invites you to share our spectacular sky between Moreton Bay and the Glasshouse Mountains, where we have flying for everyone from first timer to experienced pilot.

  • is28 wing
    Welcome to Caboolture Gliding Club

    South East Queensland’s most accessible gliding club invites you to share our spectacular sky between Moreton Bay and the Glasshouse Mountains, where we have flying for everyone from first timer to experienced pilot.

  • RW06 IS28
    Welcome to Caboolture Gliding Club

    South East Queensland’s most accessible gliding club invites you to share our spectacular sky between Moreton Bay and the Glasshouse Mountains, where we have flying for everyone from first timer to experienced pilot.

  • Paul Wisher pic
    Welcome to Caboolture Gliding Club

    South East Queensland’s most accessible gliding club invites you to share our spectacular sky between Moreton Bay and the Glasshouse Mountains, where we have flying for everyone from first timer to experienced pilot.

The Friendly Club

Half way between Brisbane and the Sunshine Coast, Caboolture Gliding Club is ideally located for your first taste of silent flight with the bonus of beautiful coastal scenery below and all around you. Just a 45 minute drive north or south, we can even be reached by suburban train and a short bus or car ride!

Widely known as Queensland’s friendly club, we welcome you for the one-off experience of a lifetime or to start training for your Glider Pilot Certificate

Take off with us from here

Gliding is one of the simplest, most enjoyable and yet most challenging forms of flight you can put yourself into. Once the tow stops and the soaring starts, the distance and time of the flight is all down to the skill of the pilot. You can learn or get a taste of these skills with our experienced instructors at almost any stage of your life. The only restrictions are 15 years old to fly solo (which makes 14 a great age to start) and 110 kilograms in weight (absolute max - 100kg is our practical limit).

Learn more...

First taste of flight

The best way to see if gliding is for you is to take an Air Experience Flight. You’ll get the feel of flying and your first touch on the controls with an instructor to take you through the basics. 

Book flights for you or friends



There are no age restrictions for members of the Caboolture Gliding Club, however pilots are not permitted to fly solo prior to their 15th birthday. The membership fee structure covers Club requirements as well as compulsory membership of the Gliding Federation of Australia.

Membership Responsibilities

Caboolture Gliding Club is a volunteer organization run by its members, so being a member of Caboolture Gliding Club comes with the responsibility to participate as a volunteer in the running of the club. For all members this means on days on which you are planning to fly, you are expected to come for the day and assist with operations including 

  • preparing the gliders for the days flying in the morning,
  • packing away gliders at the end of the day, and
  • in between helping with operations in any way in which you are qualified.

It is understood that due to personal schedules it may not always be possible to be present at both the start and end of the day, but you should whenever possible.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to call the club on 0418 713 903 to discuss this further with one of our members

Membership Fees

 cgc fees

We encourage our younger student/youth members to sign up one or more parents as a free Family Member of the club so that they are covered by our insurances if they are assisting on the flight line. Family members for any member are welcome to assist on flying days and participate in club activities. We will train you and keep you safe!

Student/Youth Membership

"Youth" = under 18 years. "Student" = under 26 years and a student (minimum 20 hours per week).

Family-Flying Membership

Family members can fly as a Private Passenger at any time, but if they decide they would like to take gliding a little further they can take out a Flying Family Membership. The cost of this flying membership is $60 per year and the rights and privileges are very similar to those of an Air Experience Flight - they can receive instruction but no pilot-in-command rights, no solo, they must fly with an instructor to touch the controls and they must be a member of Caboolture Gliding Club.


  • learn to fly single seat aircraft
  • having fun yet?
  • Modern Aircraft
  • good friends
  • panoramic views
  • soar with eagles!
  • Another solo!
  • landing with a smile
  • happy passengers

About Us

Caboolture Gliding Club flies on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays throughout the year, subject to weather. Flights for group bookings on other days can be made by special arrangement. All our flights are launched by aerotow behind a power aircraft flown by an experienced and specially endorsed pilot. We do not winch launch because Caboolture is a busy airfield used by many different aircraft – a gliding site where you can also enjoy seeing everything else from a gyrocopter to a Mustang WW2 fighter!

Contact us

If you wish to know more about gliding or have a question, please complete the details below